Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Roseville Industrial Park Project at Phillip Road Site

Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Roseville Industrial Park Project at Phillip Road Site

Project Location: 6382 Phillip Road, Roseville, CA

The Phillip Road Site is located at 6382 Phillip Road and includes approximately 241 acres of undeveloped grazing land in the northwest corner of Roseville, in Placer County. The project site, which is currently owned by the City, is predominantly flat with some sparsely vegetated, low hills. Pleasant Grove Creek traverses the property in an eastwest direction, bisecting the site into a north and south parcel. Due to previous farming activities at the project site, the original hydrology/drainage has been modified over 70+ years. The southern portion of the site was used more recently for flood control purposes (constructed channel).

Of the total 241 acres, 176.5 acres are considered developable with approximately 6.6 acres for Blue Oaks Boulevard and Phillip Road extensions/widening. The remaining 57.9 acres are composed of approximately 13.6 acres of the Pleasant Grove Creek Floodplain and Pleasant Grove Creek Bypass Channel, approximately 21.6 acres of undevelopable land northwest of the future Placer Parkway, and approximately 22.7 acres for the planned Placer Parkway alignment. (The future Placer Parkway, a planned regional facility, would connect Highway 65 in Placer County to Highway 99 in Sutter County, providing an alternate highway to Interstate 80.)

The project site’s Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 017-101-008-000. The existing General Plan land use designation for the project site is Public/Quasi-Public, which primarily allows for municipal and governmental facilities. The project site is also zoned as Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP), which establishes areas for municipal, governmental, or public facilities.

The project site is within an area of City-owned property known as Reason Farms. The Al Johnson Wildlife Area is located to the northwest of the site and is part of an area planned to accommodate the City’s stormwater Regional Retention facility and potential recreation uses. Agricultural uses are located to the west along the southern portion of the site. To the east, immediately adjacent to the project site, is the Creekview Specific Plan area (adopted by the City in 2011), which is planned to accommodate approximately 2,000 residential units. To the south, along the southern edge of the project site, is the future extension of Blue Oaks Boulevard and the West Roseville Specific Plan area (adopted by the City in 2004), which is 65 percent built out, and includes 10,479 residential units, parks, open space, and commercial uses.

Open post
California Air Resources Board (CARB)

California Air Resources Board (CARB) comment letter to City of Roseville Development Services – Planning, dated August 11, 2021

Industrial development, such as the Project, can result in high daily volumes of heavy-duty diesel truck traffic and operation of on-site equipment (e.g., forklifts and yard tractors) that emit toxic diesel emissions, and contribute to regional air pollution and global climate change. The Project will expose nearby communities to elevated levels of air pollution. Existing residences are located south of the Project with the closest residences located approximately 680 feet from the Project’s southern boundary. There is also a planned residential development located adjacent to the Project site. In addition to residences, Orchard Ranch Elementary School, West Park High School, Chilton Middle School and Junction Elementary School are located within two miles of the Project area. Due to the
Project’s proximity to residences and schools, CARB is concerned with the potential health impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project. CARB has reviewed the NOP and is concerned about the air pollution and health risk impacts that would result from the Project.

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