With regard to greenhouse gas emissions from this project, CARB has been clear that local governments and project proponents have a responsibility to properly mitigate these impacts. CARB’s guidance, set out in detail in the Scoping Plan issued in 2017, makes clear that in CARB’s expert view, local mitigation is critical to achieving climate goals and reducing greenhouse gases below levels of significance.
Industrial development, such as the Project, can result in high daily volumes of heavy-duty diesel truck traffic and operation of on-site equipment (e.g., forklifts and yard tractors) that emit toxic diesel emissions, and contribute to regional air pollution and global climate change. The Project will expose nearby communities to elevated levels of air pollution. Existing residences are located south of the Project with the closest residences located approximately 680 feet from the Project’s southern boundary. There is also a planned residential development located adjacent to the Project site. In addition to residences, Orchard Ranch Elementary School, West Park High School, Chilton Middle School and Junction Elementary School are located within two miles of the Project area. Due to the
Project’s proximity to residences and schools, CARB is concerned with the potential health impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project. CARB has reviewed the NOP and is concerned about the air pollution and health risk impacts that would result from the Project.