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Roseville City Council Meeting
March 6, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
If you remain interested in the Phillip Road Site (formerly known as “Roseville Industrial Park Project”), you likely recall the numerous problems with that initial environmental impact report, including trucks and traffic congestion in Roseville.
To obtain insights about the Phillip Road Site, attend this City Council meeting and respectfully ask questions about what’s up with HCD.
City of Roseville
City Council Meeting
Date: March 6, 2024
Time: 6 pm
Agenda Item #: 6.5.
Link: https://roseville.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/CoverSheet.aspx?ItemID=12700&MeetingID=2149
Topic: Prohousing Incentive Pilot Program – Application for Funding
- Memo from Housing Analyst Sara Thornton-Garcia and Economic Development Director Melissa Anguiano recommending the City Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 24-049 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, PROHOUSING INCENTIVE PILOT PROGRAM FUNDS.
- Staff requests Council approve an application to the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) department for the Prohousing Incentive Program (PIP) in the amount of $1,210,000 to assist with affordable housing development and to execute the necessary application, standard agreement and relevant documents for the PIP grant program from the California Housing and Community Development Department.
- The recommended action does not impact the City’s General Fund.
Click to download RESOLUTION NO. 24-049
Questions for Roseville’s City Manager and City Council Members:
- Considering that the recommended action in Resolution No. 24-049 will not impact the City’s General Fund, what City fund will be impacted?
- Is Resolution No. 24-049 related in any way to the HCD’s December 4, 2023 Notice of Violation (NOV) concerning the finding by the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) that the City of Roseville violated the California Surplus Land Act (SLA) regarding the Phillip Road Site (aka “Reason Farms Panhandle”) located at 6382 Phillip Road Site in Roseville, California?
- Why does below City of Roseville (City) webpage — ostensibly focused on the “Proposed Phillip Road Site” — omit reference to the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) department’s Notice of Violation (NOV) regarding the City of Roseville’s violation of the California Surplus Land Act (SLA) relating to the Phillip Road Site?
- How has the City of Roseville (City) responded to the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) concerning the City’s violation of the California Surplus Land Act (SLA) and the 30% penalty?
- Do any Roseville City Council members currently envision any affordable housing being constructed on the Phillip Road Site?
- Do any Roseville City Council members currently envision rezoning to industrial the “Proposed Phillip Road Site”?
- If today’s City Council meeting is not the appropriate forum in which to discuss the above topics relating to potential affordable housing on the “Proposed Phillips Road Site”, will the City Manager and/or the City Council members please put these topics (1-5 above) on the agenda for public discussion during the next City Council meeting in March 2024 or April 2024?
Here is URL for City webpage relating to “Phillip Road Site”: https://www.roseville.ca.us/government/departments/development_services/planning/projects_of_interest/proposed_roseville_industrial_park
City of Roseville
(916) 774-5362