Volunteer. Join arms with us to prevent the Phillip Road Sitefrom becoming zoned as industrial.
Persuade Councilmembers for the City of Roseville to:
(a) Approve a City Council motion to terminate the contract between the Panattoni Development Corporation (PDC Sacramento LPIV, LLC) and the City relating to a proposed industrial park on the Phillip Road Site (APN 017-101-008-000), which isalso known as the Reason Farms panhandle parcel; and
(b) Approve a City Council motion to keep the Phillip Road Site parcel (APN 017-101-008-000) zoned as Public/Quasi-Public farmland until such time that other developers’ ideas can fully be evaluated by the City’s Councilmembers and its planning team; and
(c) Consider for the Phillip Road Site parcel only non-industrial land uses that will keep Roseville residents safe, healthy, and happy.
Actions for Volunteers
1. Subscribe to receive updates about our actions to protect and preserve the Phillips Road Site (aka Reason Farms Panhandle parcel) from being rezoned as industrial; and
2. Share this webpage and our flyer with neighbors and friends in Roseville and encourage sharing and posting on social media (e.g., X, Nextdoor, Facebook, and Reddit).
3. Attend Roseville City Council meetings pertinent to decisions relating to the Phillip Road Site and speak up to voice your support to maintain a safe, healthy, and happy environment; and
4. Write an email or letter to each of Roseville’s five (5) City Councilmembers, and also post on our SaveReasonFarms.org website. **
** Numerous such letters and emails have already been published in our trove. After you review what others have written we hope you’ll be inspired to speak your mind on this concerning topic.
Persuade the City of Roseville to not rezone to industrial the Phillip Road Site.