Section 15125(c) of the CEQA Guidelines states that knowledge of the regional setting of a project is critical to the assessment of environmental impacts and that special emphasis should be placed on environmental resources that are rare or unique to the region. To enable CDFW staff to adequately review and comment on the Project, the EIR should include a complete assessment of the flora and fauna within and adjacent to the Project footprint, with emphasis on identifying rare, threatened, endangered, and other sensitive species and their associated habitats.
CDFW is California’s Trustee Agency for fish and wildlife resources and holds those
resources in trust by statute for all the people of the State (Fish & G. Code, §§ 711.7,
subd. (a) & 1802; Pub. Resources Code, § 21070; CEQA Guidelines § 15386, subd.
(a).). CDFW, in its trustee capacity, has jurisdiction over the conservation, protection,
and management of fish, wildlife, native plants, and habitat necessary for biologically
sustainable populations of those species (Id., § 1802.). Similarly, for purposes of CEQA,
CDFW provides, as available, biological expertise during public agency environmental
review efforts, focusing specifically on projects and related activities that have the
potential to adversely affect fish and wildlife resources.
CDFW may also act as a Responsible Agency under CEQA. (Pub. Resources Code, §
21069; CEQA Guidelines, § 15381.) CDFW expects that it may need to exercise
regulatory authority as provided by the Fish and Game Code. As proposed, for
example, the Project may be subject to CDFW’s lake and streambed alteration
regulatory authority. (Fish & G. Code, § 1600 et seq.)