City of Roseville | 2035 General Plan Update | Final Environmental Impact Report (Certified August 5, 2020)

Intent to Use CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 Exemptions INPUT RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO THE NOTICE OF PREPARATION The City received NOP comment letters from the California Department of Transportation, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, the City of Citrus Heights, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (State Clearinghouse), the Native American Heritage Commission, Placer County, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, and Reclamation District 1000. The NOP responses suggested that the City should study the following topics, which are addressed in the Draft EIR vehicular travel demand (vehicle miles traveled, or VMT); direct, indirect, and cumulative biological resources effects; surface and groundwater quality; cultural resources and tribal cultural resources; greenhouse gas emissions; criteria air pollutant emissions; carbon monoxide concentrations and flooding and hydraulic impacts.

SCH Number 2019080418 

Development in the vicinity of Interstate 80 and State Route 65 consists primarily of relatively large-scale commercial, office, and industrial uses. Single-family residential neighborhoods with some multi-family development occupy the remainder of the Planning Area to the north, west, and east. Residential development in the vicinity of Interstate 80, near the southern Planning Area boundary, consists of older single-family homes on relatively small to medium sized lots, interspersed with commercial development, parks, and schools.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
Author: AECOM
2035 General Plan Update Final Environmental Impact Report Certified August 5 2020
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