Email correspondence between City of Roseville and HCD regarding California Surplus Land Act (SLA)

Subject: RE: Surplus Land Act: Possible Surplus Land Disposition-6382 Phillip Road

Based on the information provided, it appears the proposed disposition of the site may be in conflict with the SLA, but I’d like to set up a meeting with you and your team to discuss where this project currently stands (you mentioned it was on hold) and so we can provide guidance.

File Type: pdf
Categories: California Surplus Land Act Inquiry
Tags: 6382 Phillip Road, California Surplus Land Act, City of Roseville, document production, Government Code 54222 (a)(1), Government Code 54230.5 (b) (1), Government Code section 54221(b)(1), HCD, Housing and Community Development (HDC), SLA, that rectangle
Author: Lisa Krause
California Housing and Community Development
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