Council Communication | Meeting Date: 11/20/2019 | CITY COUNCILMEMBERS voted to declare 6383 Phillip Road as surplus property and dispose of this parcel of City-owned farmland

RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL Recommend the City Council adopt a resolution to declare 6382 Phillip Road as surplus property and find that it is in the best interest of the City to dispose of the property located at 6382 Phillip Road. BACKGROUND According to Roseville Municipal Code §4.12.110(8), the City may dispose of real property without sealed bids ... "pursuant to a finding by the city council that such disposition is in the city's best Interest. Provided, however, that notice of the terms and conditions of such proposed sale or disposition pursuant to this subsection and the date of confirmation thereof shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least 10 days prior to final approval and confirmation of the proposed sale or disposition. Such sales and dispositions shall be confirmed and approved upon a four-fifths' affirmative vote of the city council."

City of Roseville

Council Communication | Meeting Date: 11/20/2019 | CITY COUNCILMEMBERS voted to declare 6383 Phillip Road as surplus property and dispose of this parcel of City-owned farmland.

File Type: pdf
Categories: California Surplus Land Act Inquiry
Tags: 6382 Phillip Road, APN 017-101-008-000, Pleasant Grove Creek, water, Zoning Public/Quasi-Public
City of Roseville, California
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